Wednesday, February 18, 2015

February 18, 2015 International Day of Asperger Syndrome

Just cannot believe we are now in February 2015, wow.

Today we celebrate the International Day of Asperger Syndrome which comes under the fold of Autism Spectrum.

Please find below a link to the work being carried out at The Davis International Centre, Ronald D. Davis is author of The Gift of Dyslexia and The Gift of Learning.  

The Davis Autism Approach (How does it work?)

My next post will refer to some lovely ramps and alterations being made by the Marbella Town Hall, making life easier to get around town for all.

Until later I leave you with a Sioux Indian Prayer.

"Great Spirit, Help me never
to judge another until I have
walked in his moccasins."


Thursday, January 15, 2015


PARTICIPANTES : Asistencia libre
RECURSOS :  Ropa de deporte.  Calzado adecuado.

El próximo día 17 de Enero en el BOULEVARD SAN PEDRO ALCÁNTARA en horario de 11:00 a 14:00 h, se va a celebrar el Evento Deportivo " España se Mueve" organizado por el Centro Deportivo Supera y el Consejo Superior de Deportes.

El objetivo de estas sesiones es promover la actividad física entre la población, luchar contra la obesidad y el sedentarismo y dar a conocer sus beneficios para la salud y la calidad de vida. Todas las actividades son gratuitas y para todos los públicos.

La finalidad es disfrutar de un día deportivo, a través de clases lúdicas y divertidas. Lo importante es realizar actividad física y concienciarse de la importancia de mantener hábitos saludables.

  Si te gusta el deporte y quieres pasar un rato agradable con amigos y familia

  no dudes en asistir a este evento.

PARTICIPANTS : Free attendance
RESOURCES : Sportswear. Proper footwear.

This Saturday, January 17, at the New BOULEVARD SAN PEDRO ALCÁNTARA, from 11:00 to 14:00hrs., the Sports Event "Spain Moves" will be held, organized by the Exceeds Sports Center and Sports Council.
The aim of these sessions is to promote physical activity among the population, fight obesity and a sedentary lifestyle and publicize its benefits for health and quality of life.
All activities are free and for all ages.