Yesterday I received an update from Jessica Kingsley Publishers www.jkp.com promoting an up and coming practical introduction to Mind/Body Techniques for adolescents with Asperger’s Syndrome.
Now approximately one month prior to receiving this update, I had spoken to my friend Ted who really is a fitness guru. Ted has worked with many special needs children that have been physically handicapped with amazing results. I called Ted and said “Teddie, please when are you going to get a book together for special needs children, with your knowledge and teaching techniques, not only will it be a hot seller but think of how much you will be able help these children towards a better life style”.
Unfortunately Ted is entering into a new exciting project so cannot dedicate the necessary time, however I am still working on him and will do my best to persuade him to eventually find this value time, looks promising.
Getting back to the JKP update, I am keenly waiting to buy the dvd. Interestingly one of my topics in the MaxiSteps project is the importance of using from day one a correct sitting posture, many of the problems we face with our back and neck when we are older arrive from carrying, for many years, bad posture. See www.maxisteps.blogspot.com.
Here is the synopsis for the soon to be released book and dvd
The DVD complements the author's book Mind/Body Techniques for Asperger's Syndrome and is a practical introduction to Pathfinder techniques for adolescents with AS, their parents, professionals including physical therapists, pediatricians, cognitive and behavioral specialists, and special education teachers who work with them.
People with Asperger's Syndrome (AS) typically experience difficulty with balance, gait, coordination and sensory integration. The mind/body exercises in this DVD enable young people with AS to improve these skills, leading to greater self-confidence, and independence.
With clear explanations and demonstrations, this DVD covers a variety of simple, calming exercises designed to influence the way the individual stands, sits, moves, thinks of him- or herself, and relates to others. Ron Rubio's approach integrates ideas and practices from disciplines including martial arts, Eastern principles of mindfulness, techniques visualization, breathing, posture, and movement, and the practice of mentoring. Unquote