I’ve been busy setting up a blog for our local Autistic Association in Marbella. Incorporated is a Google translator facility for anyone who is not 100% sure with Spanish. For some reason I think this is going to be slow start as I need to explain to the other mothers how blogger works, for me it’s user friendly, however for those that are not computer orientated, then initially it will be daunting.
The aim of the blog is to share typical information that would not normally be included in our main association website. For example I spoke to one father the other week and he said “I want to know a good dentist but more importantly one that can handle our kids?” or “where can I find good gluten free bread?”. So we will be adding questions, answers, experiences along our journey. Plus any other information that parents wish to share, maybe tips on hair washing, or the dreaded teens and hormonal stage, how do you cope or could be an inspiring story etc.